These webpages report on the activities of the research group in Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering at Politecnico di Torino, Department of Structural Building and Geotechnical Engineering. The research interests of the group span over a wide range of topics including Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering, Unsaturated Soils, Hydro-Chemo-Mechanical processes, Experimental Geomechanics, Site Characterization, Heritage Preservation, Soil-Structure Interaction.

Please contact us for any further enquiry.


Dynamic Ground properties and seismic design (Eurocode 7 and Eurocode 8)

The 11th ERTC10-SC7-NEN Webinar on the Second Generation of Eurocode 7 - Dynamic Ground properties and seismic design (Eurocode 8)

Conference in memory of G.B. Barla and M. Jamiolkowski

The videos of the MIR-CGT conference, held at the Polytechnic University of Turin on November 5 and 6, 2024, have been published on the PoliTO Teaching YouTube channel.

The PoliTO–UniRoma1 database of cyclic and dynamic laboratory tests

Comprehensive database of cyclic and dynamic laboratory tests conducted on natural Italian soils

The PoliTO Surface Wave flat-file Database (PSWD)

Gathering of experimental measurements collected within the past 25 years at 71 Italian sites.

For each site, EDC and Vs profile from SWM are available. For 44 sites also independent Vs profile is available

Available at:

Guidelines for the good practice of surface wave analysis

Open access guidelines for the acquisition and processing of surface wave data for active and passive datasets

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